Comfort Suites Manassas
Manassas, Virginia, USA
7350 Williamson Blvd, 20109
Phone: +1 703 686 1100
Fax: +1 703 686 1128
The printed proceedings can be found at the Tcl Association's shop at
Talk | Speakers | Media |
Application to Library: Re-Architecting a Large Monolithic Tcl/Tk Application | Will Duquette | AthenaDB.docx AthenaDB.pdf |
Exact Real Arithmetic in Tcl | Kevin Kenny | xra-paper.pdf xra-slides.pdf |
How To Make Tcl Twice As Fast --- Experiences in using micro-optimizations to improve the performance of SQLite | Richard Hipp | MicroOptimization.pdf MicroOptimization.tar.gz |
Introducing TOOL | Sean Woods | Tool_paper.pdf |
Mighty Morphin' Widgets | Clif Flynt | FileWatch.pdf |
Our Kitchen sink -- The Tcllib Standard Library | Andreas Kupries | Tcllib.pdf TcllibSlides.pdf |
ROSEA -- A Relation Oriented Software Execution Architecture | Andrew Mangogna | rosea-confpaper.pdf |
Regression GUI testing | Clif Flynt | TkTest.pdf |
Status report on Tcl type analysis and code generation | Donal Fellows, Kevin Kenny | TheTclQuadcodeCompiler-slides.pdf TheTclQuadcodeCompiler.pdf |
Swift/T: Dataflow Composition of Tcl Scripts for Petascale Computing | Justin M Wozniak | SwiftT-paper.pdf SwiftT-slides.pdf |
Tcl Community Hour | Sean Woods | TclCommunityHour.pdf |
Tcl Core Team Panel | Andreas Kupries, Brian Griffin, Donal Fellows, Donald Porter, Kevin Kenny | n/a |
The (Active)State Of Tcl | Brad Harder | ActiveStateOfTcl.pdf |
The universal developer - deploying modern solutions on the Mac | Kevin Walzer | Tk-On-Mac.pdf |
TyCL 2.0 | Andres Buss | TyCL-2.0.pdf |
Using the Tcl VFS for encryption | Phil Brooks | UsingTclVFSforEncryption-slides.pdf UsingTclVFSforEncryption.pdf |
biot - Information Pipelines in IoT-Clouds | Emmanuel Frecon | biot-InformationPipelinesinIoT-Clouds.pdf biot-Slides.pdf |