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Learn from the experts and share your knowledge. The annual Tcl/Tk conference is the best opportunity to talk with experts and peers, cross-examine the Tcl/Tk core team, learn about what's coming and how to use what's here.
Conference Highlights
Conference LocationThe conference will be held at the Red Lion Hotel , with rooms at $109.00 (US) per night from Saturday (9/26) to the following Saturday (10/3). (Extensions of this rate may be possible. Inquire when you make a reservation.) To register for a room at the conference hotel, you must call the Red Lion at (800) 343-1822. Be certain to mention that you are with the Tcl (TICKLE) Conference to get the Tcl/Tk Conference room rate. The corporate registration office does not know about our block rate. These rooms will be released to the general public after August 28, so be sure to reserve your room early.
Call for PapersYou are invited and indeed encouraged to submit proposals for presentations and tutorials. The conference schedule will consist of 2 days of tutorials (Monday - Tuesday) and 3 days for the main conference (Wednesday - Friday). Topics will include, but are not limited to:
Submission GuidelinesIf you are interested in submitting a paper you should send an abstract of about 100 words and a summary of maximum two pages. Omit extraneous or redundant information. Length is not a direct factor in judging the quality of the submission. If submitting a tutorial proposal you should send an outline of the tutorial and a brief biography, and clearly indicate whether the tutorial is of half-day or full-day duration.
Send submissions as plain text to The primary author for each accepted paper will receive registration to the Technical Sessions portion of the conference at a reduced rate. The program committee will review and evaluate papers according to the following criteria:
Proposals may report on commercial or non-commercial systems, but those with only blatant marketing content will not be accepted. Application and experience papers need to strike a balance between background on the application domain and the relevance of Tcl/Tk to the application. Application and experience papers should clearly explain how the application or experience illustrates a novel use of Tcl/Tk, and what lessons the Tcl/Tk community can derive from the application or experience to apply to their own development efforts. Papers accompanied by non-disclosure agreement forms will be returned to the author(s) unread. All submissions are held in the highest confidentiality prior to publication in the Proceedings, both as a matter of policy and in accord with the U. S. Copyright Act of 1976.
Registration InformationMore information on the conference is available at the conference web site . You can also find information on various Tcl/Tk related information channels. To keep in touch with conference announcements and Tcl events in general, subscribe to the tcl-announce list by entering your email and selecting Tcl-announce. Conference Committee
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