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Paragraphs and Headings

Press Return to start a new paragraph or heading of the same type as the current one.

Change the type of the current paragraph, which is the one with the insert cursor, by clicking on the toolbar or selecting the type from the Paragraph menu.

Tab changes a heading to the next smaller level (e.g. h2 to h3)

Shift-Tab changes a heading to the next higher level (e.g. h2 to h1)

Breaks and P tags

Shift-Return inserts a <br> tag.

Control-Return inserts a <p> tag.

Text Styles

Select text and choose a style from the toolbar or the Style menu.

To clear a style, you must use the Style menu Plain Text operation. See also "Clear Html Tag" under the Edit menu.

Hypertext Links

Make a selection and use the <a> toolbar button or the Html menu Add Link operation.

Double-Click on a link to edit its URL.

The Link dialog has modes for browsing your history list, relative pages (i.e., files) and anchors. In these modes, press Space to get "URL completion".


Start a list by creating a new paragraph and then choosing a list type from the toolbar or List menu.

Convert existing paragraphs into list elements one-by-one by choosing a list type from the toolbar. This automatically merges them into the adjacent list.Tab indents the current list element one level. The bullet or number is not redrawn - see below.

Shift-Tab outdents the current list element, or converts a top-level list element into a regular paragraph.

Refresh a list (e.g. its bullets or numbering) by clicking on the toolbar button for that list type, or with the List menu Refresh List operation.


Click the <img> toolbar button or use the Html menu Add Image operation to add an image.

Click on an image to edit its property sheet. From there you can get to the image map editor.

Title & Body

Set the title with the Html menu Edit Header operation.

Adjust body parameters with the Html menu Body Parameters operation.

Converting Plain Text Documents

The Edit menu has two operations that do simple (very simple) conversion of plain text to HTML. Paste plain text treats the selection as text instead of HTML markup. Insert plain file inserts the contents of a file. Both of these operations simply replace blank lines with <p> tags.

Link Validation

Use the Html menu Link Validate/Chart dialog to check the links on a set of pages.

User Defined Macros

Use the Macro menu to create and use shortcuts that add arbitraty HTML tags to your document.

Customize the Toolbar

Use the Preferences Toolbar... dialog to customize the toolbar.

Download Pages and Images

Make a selection that contains links or images, then use the Download operations under the Edit menu to copy the referenced pages or images to your local machine.

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